Sensitive and charming, the Cocker Spaniel has enjoyed widespread popularity for decades.

Vital Stats

Height: 14 to 15 inches at shoulder
Weight: 24 to 28 pounds
Coat: thick and wavy
Life span: 12 to 15 years

The Cocker Spaniel is primarily a beloved companion dog, though he remains a capable bird dog at heart. Beautiful to look at (and labor-intensive to groom), the Cocker’s amenable, cheerful disposition also makes him a treat to have in the family.

Never more pleased than when he’s pleasing you, he’s as happy to snuggle on the couch with his favorite adults as to romp in the yard with the kids. Full Cocker Spaniel profile on

[usrlist “Amount of shedding:4” “Apartment appropriate:4” “Energy Level:4” “Intelligence:4” “Potential for weight gain:4” “Tendency to bark or howl:4” “Vigor:3” “Wanderlust:3” “Good for new owners:3” “Heat Tolerance:3” “Drooling potential:2” “Watchdog ability:2” “Easy to groom:1” “General health:1”]