Love Me, Love My Dog
What dog lover would dare to date someone who sneezes at his dog as a potential life mate?
He loves me, he loves me not. She loves me, she loves me not. “Woof,” I will always love you. And so it goes, man’s and woman’s best friend, the one constant, the one spirit who loves you, no matter what. But beyond the unconditional love of your furry companion lies an even greater asset—your dog happens to also be your very own cupid…
Sheryl Matthys, The Dog Expert®, owner of Leashes and Lovers, a social networking group in New York, has recently authored the Leashes and Lovers book to better guide us Fido lovers when in relationships. As The Dog Expert, her mission is about helping humans discover the hidden code of their dogs as a means of communicating better with each other. “And what’s more, whether dealing with a potential date, lover, family member, co-worker or friend—many answers to our dilemmas, happiness or resolve with others can be found by taking a closer look at our relationship with our dog and what our dog may be trying to teach us,” said Sheryl. “The more we connect with our dogs and learn from their natural instincts, and apply that to our relationships with others, the more in tune we’ll be with ourselves.”
“Think of Leashes and Lovers as something like a language conversion book. But instead of converting Spanish to English or English to French, we’re converting what your dog can teach you about relationships into understanding and actions so you can develop and implement more natural and organic changes into your lifestyle and relationships right now. Much as our dogs do by living in the present. So if you’re ready—if you’re willing to learn how to unleash your inner dog and let your dog be your guide—a whole new way of understanding awaits you and your dog.”
Whether you are in a committed relationship or looking for someone special, be sure to bring Fido along for the ride; after all, who better to sniff out your new intended and walk blissfully down that garden path then Cupid.